Presence of Eden

Author: Presence of Eden

Welcome! My name is Emmanuel Rosario, and I am the founder and owner of “Presence of Eden” and “Levantate Y Ora”! I was blessed enough to preach, heal, and motivate people all around the world. The purpose of this website is to bring you closer to God and introduce you to the mystical properties of herbs that were created by God. Every herb has a medicinal purpose and serves as a blessing to our body and temple of the Holy Spirit.

One thought on “Presence of Eden”

  1. Hello! I just started watching your TicTok videos and I’m very interested in what you have to teach me. I have Fibromyalgia and would like to know what I can take to help me. I refuse to take doctor Prescribed medication. I have pain, brain fog, bad memory and hair loss, etc. when you say drops of the Food grade hydrogen peroxide what do you mean And what percentage of food grade hydrogen peroxide?

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